Former student's work showcased in best of the best photo book

Igor Kraguljac

Igor Kraguljac

“Ballerina,” a photo by former Texas A&M visualization student [Igor Kraguljac] ( ‘08, was selected for inclusion in “ [Best of the Best Photographers 2013] ( ,” a collection of creative images from photographers worldwide distributed to top advertising agencies, art directors and art buyers.

The photo, which depicts Jessica Lott, a student in Texas A&M’s dance program, in midair surrounded by cascading sand, is part of a series of photos Kraguljac is creating in collaboration with Christine Bergeron, the dance program’s director.

Kraguljac is also shooting a series of street dance performances in New York and Chicago and photos for his ongoing series [Renaissance MMVIII] ( , inspired by the chiaroscuro style used by Carvaggio, an Italian artist who lived from 1571-1610.

His work has been displayed in numerous venues, including the Idea Generation Gallery in London and the Center for Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins, Colo.

posted November 26, 2013