Prof’s work named finalist in prestigious international architectural drawing competition

Alejandro Borges

An image that investigates the symbiosis of art, drawn by [Alejandro Borges] ( , a member of the Texas A&M architecture faculty, was given finalist honors by leading art curators and critics for the prestigious 44th [AIA Dallas Ken Roberts Memorial Delineation Competition] ( .

The piece, “Invited,” is from Borges’ [Sublimation Series] ( , an interpretation of the duality of architectural objects and their surrounding space.

KRob 2018 is the world’s oldest architectural design competition with more than 400 entries from 25 countries.

In his paintings, drawings, collages, sculptures and installations, Borges explores design concepts such as light, shadow, projection and transformation in a series of dichotomies such as order versus chaos and conscious versus unconscious states. His art has been in numerous solo and group exhibitions.

He counts urban and industrial design among his academic interests. He earned an undergraduate degree at Universidad Central de Venezuela in 1989 and a Master of Architecture degree at Cornell University in 1994.

Borges and fellow architecture professor Weiling He are [developing] ( design strategies for 3D printing outdoor furniture and playground equipment with recycled plastics in a project funded by T3: Texas A&M Triads for Transformation.

Sarah Wilson

posted January 3, 2019