Larry Zuber
This time of year, the College of Architecture is tremendously grateful for the support received from those who truly want to make a difference in the future of the College and the lives of our students.
Thanks to our former students and friends, 2014 was record year of philanthropy, with seven new endowed scholarships, a new endowed professorship, and opening next month, a new campus home for the Department of Construction Science.
You can be a part of this record-breaking largesse by including the College of Architecture in your year-end giving. Below we note just a few of many opportunities to help your gift make a big difference.
Professorship campaigns honoring John Only Greer and David Woodcock , initiated by former students, have endowments only 10% shy of completion. Each professorship supports the personal passions of these recently retired, much-beloved, longtime faculty members. Your gift can be the one that puts one of these endowments over the top. Also, a third professorship honoring architecture professor Rodney Hill is gathering steam. You can learn about all three endowments at [] (
The renovation of Francis Hall
, an historic building adjacent to the Evans Library, is nearing completion and slated to become campus headquarters for the Department of Construction Science next month. However, opportunity remains for former students and friends of the department to sponsor seats in the
Bob Segner Auditorium
Similar opportunities exist in all four of the College’s departments. You can make donations online at [] ( , where you may also explore a variety of ways to leave a legacy at Texas A&M. Even better, if you’d like to discuss current giving options or if you have ideas of your own, please feel free to contact me via phone or e-mail.
Have a wonderful holiday and thank you for all you have done and continue to do for the College of Architecture and Texas A&M.
All the best,
Larry Zuber
Assistant Vice President for Development
(979) 845-0939
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