Earnie Sherow
Artist Earnie Sherow paints images portraying the impact of domestic violence in “Spoiled and Unspoiled,” an exhibit running Oct. 13 – Nov. 12, 2014 in the Wright Gallery at the Texas A&M College of Architecture.
Sherow will be on hand to discuss her work at a 4:30 p.m. Oct. 14 reception at the gallery, located on the second floor for of the Langford Architecture Center’s Building A on the Texas A&M campus.
“Although these works depict the physical, psychological, moral and cultural deterioration of the human condition, the installation was created to empower women who have experienced emotional and physical violence,” said Sherow, a Ph.D. student in [Teaching, Learning and Culture] (http://tlac.tamu.edu) and former victim of domestic abuse. “These works are a form of communication, allowing me to address the experiences of life through mood, light, emotion, and the human figure as vehicles of expression,” she said.
Sherow teaches painting, drawing and art appreciation at Blinn College in Bryan. She earned a Master of Fine Arts degree at Stephen F. Austin State University and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the University of North Texas.
“Spoiled and Unspoiled” will be followed Nov. 17 with an exhibit of paintings and drawings by artist Russell Reid, a faculty member in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning who has worked professionally in visual communications and large-scale graphic design for more than 25 years.
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