Dennis Pieprz
Michael Grove
Landscape architecture students from across Texas teamed with practitioners for the 38 th annual [Aggie Workshop] ( , a series of design charrettes and lectures hosted Feb. 22-23 by the Texas A&M student chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects.
Workshop events took place at the Langford Architecture Center and Zachry Engineering Center on the Texas A&M campus.
Feature speakers Dennis Pieprz and Michael Grove, principals with [Sasaki Associates] ( , presented the workshop's keynote address.
Pieprz, who leads Sasaki’s international studio, led the design effort for the firm's prize-winning [Olympic Green] ( master plan — the main site of the 2008 Beijing Olympics — and Chicago’s [Southworks Urban District Waterfront] ( .
He also led the design for [Penn Connects: A Vision Plan for the University of Pennsylvania] ( , and the master plan for the [University of Balamand, Lebanon] ( ; both won 2007 Honor Awards from the American Society of Landscape Architects.
He has 25 years of global experience leading more than 40 projects honored with design awards.
Grove, who directs Sasaki’s Shanghai office, creates projects that balance economic development with improved human and environmental health. He led the development of the [798 Arts District] ( in Beijing.
Students then partnered with visiting landscape architecture professionals for a design charrette held in Langford A's 3 rd floor studio space.
On Saturday workshop participants gathered in the Preston Geren Auditorium in Langford B 102 for a portfolio workshop and graphic design charrette.
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