An upcoming edition of a classic textbook featuring a comprehensive collection of architectural drawing conventions and techniques will include examples of Texas A&M architecture and visualization student work.
The fourth edition of “ [Architectural Drawing: A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods] ( ” by Rendow Lee is scheduled for publication July 2012, includes work from Aggie graduate and undergraduate students and a companion website with links to four Texas A&M student portfolios.
“Environmental design students have used this textbook for several years,” said Julie Rogers, senior lecturer and associate head for undergraduate architecture programs at Texas A&M. “It’s a comprehensive book, presenting a thorough examination of architectural drawing,” she said, with concise writing and easy-to-follow graphics.
Lee’s commentary, she added, teaches students to value the importance of drawing in design.
To submit work for the new edition, Department of Architecture faculty and a group of graduate and undergraduate students selected the best portfolios and drawings from the department’s digital archive and sent them to Lee and the book’s editors, who juried the work.
Drawings by [Department of Architecture] ( students Bruce Baxter, Amanda Fry, Yu Jung Jang, Erik Larsen and Amanda Scott and drawings by [Department of Visualization] ( student Laura Murphy were chosen for the book.
The new edition’s companion website will also have links to portfolios by [Stephanie Cole] ( , [Carlos Gamez] ( , [Alan Knox] ( and [Jennifer Marshall] ( .
“It is a great accomplishment for a student’s resume to cite publication of their work,” said Rogers. “The importance of having student work published cannot be overstated.”
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