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Glowacki discusses Aphrodite, Eros at San Antonio art museum

Glowacki discusses Greek gods in S.A.

posted September 28, 2012
Rituals developed by ancient Greeks to sustain relationships with their gods was discussed by Kevin Glowacki, assistant professor of architecture at Texas A&M, Oct. 9 at the San Antonio Museum of Art.
Van Zandt, Xiao research links home, business disaster recovery

HRRC research links home, business disaster recovery

posted September 26, 2012
Relief efforts after a natural disaster should include local businesses as well as households, because “one can’t return without the other,” said researchers at the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center investigating Galveston’s recovery after 2008’s Hurricane Ike.
College of Architecture's holds 14th annual research symposium

College symposium featured faculty research

posted September 24, 2012
Faculty research from the 2011-12 academic year was featured at the 14th Annual Texas A&M College of Architecture Research Symposium: Natural, Built, Virtual Oct. 22 at the Langford Architecture Center on the Texas A&M campus.
Architecture prof's company releases new fire safety app

Arch prof's company releases new fire safety application

posted September 24, 2012
A new mobile app developed by SMARTreview, a startup company co-founded by Mark Clayton, professor of architecture at Texas A&M, provides designers and regulators quick access to fire safety codes adopted in the U.S. and many international regions.
Van Zandt redefining Center for Housing & Urban Development

New CHUD director shares vision for center's expansion

posted September 21, 2012
Shannon Van Zandt, the new director of the Center for Housing and Urban Development, is redefining and expanding the center's mission after its separation from the Colonias Program, the center's primary focus since its inception in 1991.
Peacock, Brody outline Texas’ hazard vulnerability in Eagle

Eagle quotes profs on state’s vulnerability

posted September 19, 2012
Due to the destruction of natural resources and poor community planning efforts, Texas remains extraordinarily vulnerable to hurricane damage, said two Texas A&M urban planning professors in an Aug. 28 Bryan-College Station Eagle report as Hurricane Isaac barreled through the Gulf of Mexico.
New holders of professorships, chairs announced at reception

College appoints professorships

posted September 19, 2012
New appointments to the College of Architecture's endowed professorships and chairs, which support their holders’ teaching, research and service initiatives, were announced by Jorge Vanegas, dean of the college, at a Sept. 12 reception in the Wright Gallery.
Study eyes economic impact of Lake Conroe's lowering levels

Study eyes how lower Lake Conroe levels impact economy

posted August 14, 2012
Ranked as one of the fastest growing counties in the U.S., groundwater-dependent Montgomery County, Texas is confronted with a looming water crisis threatening future growth, according to a study by urban planners at Texas A&M University.
TTI partners with Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning

LAUP, TTI enjoy close relationship

posted August 13, 2012
For centuries, a symbiotic relationship between planning and transportation has existed. “For most of the 20th century, engineers decided what needed to go where. In the 21st century, that’s changing a bit,” said Forster Ndubisi, head of Texas A&M’s Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning.
College partners with TAMU- Galveston in new Institute for Sustainable Coastal Communities

College partners with TAMU-G on coastal research institute

posted August 13, 2012
A new research institute dedicated to a better understanding of establishing sustainable and resilient coastal communities, places and landscapes will combine resources of Texas A&M’s College of Architecture and Texas A&M University at Galveston.
Ph.D. student’s project melds  HKS’ programming with BIM

Ph.D. student melds HKS’ programs, BIM

posted August 3, 2012
Ehsan Barekati, a Ph.D. architecture student interning at HKS, Inc. has developed software that makes the architecture firm’s program documents compatible with all building information modeling programs.
New TRC website lists services provided, special collections

TRC's new website lists library services, special collections

posted August 3, 2012
A new website serving the College of Architecture's Technical Reference Center provides detailed information on the reference library's resources and services, was well as interesting facts about its trove of special collections.
Prof leads NSF network effort to bridge gaps between art, science

Prof leads NSF effort aimed to bridge gap between art, science

posted August 2, 2012
Artists and scientists looking to bridge the gap between their disciplines in a NSF-funded effort headed by visualization professor Carol LaFayette, touted the benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration in position paper.
HRRC eyes why hazard planning has not mitigated vulnerabilities

HRRC examining implementation of local hazard plans

posted August 2, 2012
Researchers at Texas A&M's Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center are investigating why the proliferation of hazard mitigation planning by local governmental agencies in disaster prone regions along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts has not significantly reduced their vulnerability.
Acoustics’ impact on autistic children focus of Ph.D. study

Study eyes impact of acoustics on autistic

posted July 31, 2012
The impact of acoustics on autistic students’ learning is being studied by Shireen Kanakri, a Ph.D. architecture student at Texas A&M. Planning and designing a classroom to address the auditory sensitivity of autistic students is critical, she said, but there has been little architectural research in this area.