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'Blocks' exhibit offers abstraction of Web data, Internet experiences

Artist visualizes Web in 'Blocks' for Wright Gallery exhibition

posted March 20, 2017
Brian Piana’s abstract transformations of visual elements, data, and user experiences from the Internet are featured in “Blocks,” a March 23 – May 25, 2017 exhibit in the Wright Gallery, located on the second floor of the Langford Architecture Center’s Building A.
Viz activation highlighted TAMU House at South by Southwest

Viz activation featured at SXSW Texas A&M House

posted March 7, 2017
The boundless nature of visualization studies at Texas A&M was celebrated in an interactive exhibition staged March 11–14 at South by Southwest, Austin’s giant annual convergence of festivals showcasing the interactive, film and music industries.
Vizzers help Disney, Pixar earn Oscars for animated movies

Vizzers help Disney, Pixar earn Oscars for animated films

posted March 3, 2017
One current Texas A&M visualization student and 15 Aggie Viz Lab veterans helped two major U.S. animation studios garner 2017 Oscars. This year's best animated feature was Disney Animation Studio's "Zootopia," and the best animated short film was Pixar Animation Studio's "Piper."
Viz prof-led firm, Texas A&M create $1M department chair

Viz prof-led firm, Texas A&M create $1M dept. chair

posted January 30, 2017
Triseum, a video game development company headed by André Thomas, a member of the visualization faculty and director of the department’s LIVE Lab, has partnered with Texas A&M to establish the $1 million Triseum Endowed Chair of Visualization.
New video game by Viz prof-led firm aiding calculus students

New video game by Viz prof-led firm aids calculus students

posted January 30, 2017
This semester, students in almost 50 universities are getting help with introductory calculus by playing “Variant,” a new video game developed by Triseum, a Bryan video game development company led by André Thomas, a member of the visualization faculty.
Prof investigating best way to visualize data-driven decisions

Prof investigating best way to depict data-based decisions

posted December 14, 2016
Decision-making based on large, complex and often unwieldy datasets is a perplexing process that Eric Ragan, professor of visualization at Texas A&M University, is working to illuminate through visualization in a National Science Foundation-funded project.
Nominations for outstanding college alumni due March 1

Nominations for outstanding alumni due March 1, 2017

posted December 13, 2016
Nominations for the 2017 College of Architecture Outstanding Alumni Awards are due by March 1, 2017. “This award recognizes the exemplary leadership, relentless pursuit of excellence, exceptional talents and numerous accomplishments of the recipients,” said Jorge Vanegas, dean of the Texas A&M University College of Architecture. “We strongly encourage those who know a former student deserving of this prestigious honor to nominate him or her.”
Holidays bring opportunity for end-of-year donations to college

Holidays present chance for year-end donations to college

posted December 13, 2016
Former students have multiple end-of-the-year opportunities to remember College of Architecture faculty who've contributed to their success, said Larry Zuber, the university’s development officer for the college.
Visualization profs heading STEM study in two colonias schools

Viz profs heading STEM study in two colonias schools

posted December 7, 2016
Six Hispanic high school students residing in South Texas colonias — impoverished, relatively undeveloped villages on the U.S. side of the Texas-Mexico border — are learning engineering basics in a study led by two visualization professors.
Filmmaker blazing new digital, creative trails in virtual medium

Oculus filmmaker discussed creating virtual reality movies

posted November 22, 2016
Virtual reality movies created by Oculus Story Studio that dazzle headset-clad viewers with a 360-degree view of a filmmaker’s computer-generated world were discussed by studio supervisor Chris Horne in an F.E. Giesecke Lecture.
Textbook on mind-body research co-edited by visualization prof

Viz prof co-edits book of mind/body research reviews

posted November 16, 2016
A new edition of a book touted as an exhaustive overview of the latest research findings in psychophysiology — the scientific study of the interaction between mind and body — was co-edited by Louis Tassinary, professor of visualization at Texas A&M.
Esteemed former students help create college leadership minor

Esteemed former students create leadership minor

posted November 16, 2016
A group of distinguished leaders from the design and construction industry, all of them Texas A&M former students, recently designed a supplemental curriculum to help aspiring College of Architecture students become tomorrow’s industry leaders.
Exhibit by Ohio-based artist to open at Wright Gallery Oct. 24

Gallery to exhibit artist’s sculptures Oct. 24 – Dec. 15

posted October 11, 2016
Sculptures by Ohio-based artist Mark Schatz depicting people's attempts to make sense of an indifferent universe will be featured in “True Believers,” an exhibit opening Oct. 24 in the Texas A&M College of Architecture’s Wright Gallery.
Viz prof’s project to determine if storytelling aids science learning

Viz prof to learn if storytelling aids science learning

posted September 30, 2016
Researchers will learn if the storytelling prowess of fourth-grade students aids their understanding of science concepts in a National Science Foundation project led by Sharon Lynn Chu, Texas A&M assistant professor of visualization.
Research symposium keynote speaker detailed how design affects office climate, culture

Symposium keynote eyed design’s effect on office culture

posted September 26, 2016
Author Rex Miller, an expert in workplace team performance, discussed design as a key element of office culture in “How Engaging Workspaces Lead to Transformation and Growth,” the keynote address of the 18th annual faculty research symposium.