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Visualization profs heading STEM study in two colonias schools

Viz profs heading STEM study in two colonias schools

posted December 7, 2016
Six Hispanic high school students residing in South Texas colonias — impoverished, relatively undeveloped villages on the U.S. side of the Texas-Mexico border — are learning engineering basics in a study led by two visualization professors.
Valley city fiscal plans informed by Ph.D. student-led discussions

Ph.D. student-led talks informing valley fiscal plans

posted November 11, 2016
Small business owners and community leaders in Brownsville, Texas, identified their community’s economic strengths and weaknesses in a series of discussions hosted by Edna Ledesma, a Ph.D. Urban and Regional Sciences student.
Student-designed, built ‘tiny’ homes to house homeless

Student-designed, built ‘tiny’ homes to house homeless

posted November 11, 2016
Two “tiny” homes designed and built by students at the Texas A&M College of Architecture will soon house a disabled, homeless person and a homeless veteran. The houses were displayed to curious Rudder Plaza passersby Nov. 14-15.
Academy gets South Texas youth to consider study, careers in construction management

Academy introduces Valley youth to building careers

posted October 11, 2016
More than 200 students from predominantly Hispanic Rio Grande Valley Texas high schools spent a week learning about possible career paths while attending the summer 2016 Texas A&M Construction Management Academy.
Environmental researchers' outreach initiatives seek life enhancing solutions

Texas A&M research transforming urban school, community

posted October 11, 2016
After each heavy rain last spring on the streets of an impoverished, east Houston industrial neighborhood, students from nearby Furr High School trained by Texas A&M graduate planning students mapped and tested the toxicity of storm floodwaters.
Viz prof’s project to determine if storytelling aids science learning

Viz prof to learn if storytelling aids science learning

posted September 30, 2016
Researchers will learn if the storytelling prowess of fourth-grade students aids their understanding of science concepts in a National Science Foundation project led by Sharon Lynn Chu, Texas A&M assistant professor of visualization.
Students creating master plans, designs for youth therapy center

Students creating master plans, designs for youth center

posted September 20, 2016
Administrators aiming to elevate treatment at the Phoenix Center, a central Texas facility that provides mental health therapy to children, are advising design students at Texas A&M who are creating architectural and master plan concepts for a new center facility on a 92-acre site.
College honored outstanding alumni at October 14 ceremony

College honored outstanding alumni at Oct. 14 ceremony

posted July 26, 2016
Seven former students from the Texas A&M College of Architecture who have risen to the top of their respective fields while making significant public service contributions were honored as outstanding alumni during a Friday, Oct. 14, 2016 banquet at Traditions Club in Bryan.
Viz prof to learn if creative tech projects aid seniors' well-being

Viz prof to learn if art/tech projects aid seniors’ well-being

posted July 22, 2016
Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo, Texas A&M assistant professor of visualization, is seeking to discover if art projects improve older adults' well-being in a series of seniors’ art workshops at assisted living homes and a local art gallery.
Planning professor, guests discuss what planners do in podcast series

Planning prof, guests discuss planning in new podcast series

posted July 21, 2016
Yu Xiao, an associate professor at Texas A&M, tells the public what urban planning is, and how planners’ work affects the built environment and society in “Planning and Design,” a podcast she hosts.
LAND students’ plans to improve locales in Houston earn awards

LAND students’ plans to improve locales in Houston earn awards

posted July 21, 2016
Designs and master plans by Texas A&M landscape architecture students earned their makers most of the student awards presented at the 2016 American Society of Landscape Architects’ Texas Chapter convention.
Smithsonian featuring exemplary post-disaster housing recovery program formed with HRRC help

Museum showcases HRRC-developed housing program

posted July 21, 2016
Texas legislators are investigating the benefits of RAPIDO, a pilot program developed with recommendations from Texas A&M Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center, that dramatically reduces the time it takes to rebuild homes destroyed by natural disasters.
Multidisciplinary initiative yields forecasts of more Houston floods

Climate project forsees more flood events in Houston

posted May 4, 2016
Extreme rainfall events in Houston like the April 18, 2016 deluge will become more frequent in the future according to a study conducted for the Resilience and Climate Change Cooperative Project, an interdisciplinary research initiative at Texas A&M.
Viz prof leading NSF study to interest children in STEM fields

Viz prof heads NSF study leading youth to STEM careers

posted May 3, 2016
Earthquakes destroyed an entire village as guests gathered to witness several cataclysmic scientific simulations staged by students at Bryan’s Neal Elementary School with a help from a team of Texas A&M researchers led by Francis Quek, professor of visualization.
Students presented concepts of Kenyan healthcare facilities

Students presented concepts of Kenyan healthcare facilities

posted April 25, 2016
Students presented design concepts for next-generation, Kenyan healthcare facilities April 26, 2016 at a conference aimed at improving healthcare for Africans by creating business relationships and partnerships between people in the U.S. and Africa.