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land development

LAND students create designs for park to serve special needs kids

Students design park for special needs kids

posted April 29, 2014
Design concepts for a special needs childrens’ park, developed by undergraduate landscape architecture students at Texas A&M, are part of a park proposal unanimously approved April 24 by the College Station City Council.
Brody featured in FEMA video touting flood prevention tips

Brody featured in FEMA video touting flood prevention tips

posted April 29, 2014
A video touting how communities can avoid flood losses, available on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s website, features Sam Brody, professor of urban planning at Texas A&M.
Merits of repurposing forsaken industrial sites extolled in essay

Prof’s essay lauds reuse of extant industrial sites

posted April 21, 2014
Creating dynamic architectural spaces from hulking, abandoned industrial buildings helps preserve a city’s industrial heritage said Gabriela Campagnol, assistant professor of architecture at Texas A&M, in an essay published in the January issue of ja+u.
Peacock, Anderson recognized with research, teaching awards

Two college profs recognized for research, teaching

posted April 4, 2014
Two faculty members at Texas A&M’s College of Architecture have been recognized for outstanding research and teaching with 2014 Distinguished Achievement Awards from The Association of Former Students.
Students’ demonstration kitchen idea wins Italian design contest

Aggies win design contest in Italy

posted February 17, 2014
A demonstration kitchen for showcasing Tuscan and American culinary cultures designed by Texas A&M study abroad students as a tourist attraction for Castiglion Fiorentino, won a design competition sponsored by the Italian city last fall.
HRRC researchers focus on resilience, smart planning

HRRC marks 25th year championing resilience, planning

posted February 17, 2014
To mark 25 years of disaster-related research at Texas A&M University, many of the nation’s top hazard researchers are gathering on campus April 4-5 to present their latest work as part of the Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center’s “Planning for Disaster Resilience Symposium.”
Nigerians receive plan created by LAND students for medical city

Nigerians receive LAND students’ plan for medical city

posted January 29, 2014
In an effort to raise Nigeria's health care standards, a Nigerian company is preparing to build a world-class medical service and research city based on a master plan created by graduate landscape architecture students at Texas A&M.
Former student’s plans helped transform downtown Fort Worth

Former student’s plans transformed Fort Worth cityscape

posted January 21, 2014
James Toal ’69, a planning and economic development expert whose distinguished career included a leading role in what WFAA-TV called the biggest urban makeover in Fort Worth’s history, died at his home Dec. 22, 2013.
Professor earns Regan Prize for interdisciplinary initiatives

Interdisciplinary emphasis earns honor for Clayton

posted January 17, 2014
Leadership in numerous interdisciplinary initiatives at Texas A&M’s College of Architecture has netted Mark Clayton, professor of architecture at Texas A&M, the J. Thomas Regan Interdisciplinary Prize.
MLPD student is first to receive Real Estate Center scholarship

Land development student receives new scholarship

posted December 6, 2013
Niles Hogan, a Master of Land and Property Development student at Texas A&M, is the inaugural recipient of the Texas A&M Real Estate Center scholarship.
Professor offers strategies for enhancing hurricane resilience

Prof suggests ways to enhance community hurricane resilience

posted December 4, 2013
Communities can improve their hurricane resilience by better protecting wetlands, diversifying their respective economies and building communication networks for socially vulnerable groups, said Sam Brody, Texas A&M professor of urban planning.
Top planning scholar, author returns to Texas A&M faculty

Land use planning expert returns to Texas A&M faculty

posted November 26, 2013
Philip Berke ‘81, widely regarded as one of the nation’s top land use planning scholars, is returning to Texas A&M in 2014 to rejoin the urban planning faculty and help lead the university’s Institute for Sustainable Coastal Communities.
AS+GG’s sustainable city design selected for Kazakhstan expo

Smith’s firm wins global design contest

posted November 26, 2013
Expo City, the focal point of Expo 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan, a world’s fair showcasing the latest developments in renewable energy sources, will be built from a design by a Chicago firm co-founded by Adrian Smith, an outstanding alumnus of Texas A&M’s College of Architecture.
Landscape architecture students create plan for campus greenway

Grad LAND students design green West Campus master plan

posted November 8, 2013
Texas A&M graduate landscape architecture students developed a master plan for a major addition to the university’s College Station campus — the Texas A&M Gardens and Greenway project — a planned transformation of a 46-acre area of West Campus.
MLPD students' analysis informs downtown Houston revitalization

MLPD students’ ideas add value to Houston

posted October 8, 2013
The underutilized southeastern area of downtown Houston could see its property values rise with the addition of green space and a signature landmark, concluded Texas A&M Master of Land and Property Development students in an analysis published last spring by the Urban Land Institute’s Houston Council.