Grad offerings updated to keep pace with construction industry

Sarel Lavy

Effective this fall, changes in the building industry are reflected in revised course content and offerings from the [Master of Science in Construction Management] ( program at Texas A&M.

“Our graduate program, the first to be accredited by the [American Council for Construction Education] ( , keeps moving forward, offering an even better education to our students,” said Joe Horlen, head of the department.

“The revised curriculum," added Sarel Lavey, program coordinator, "ensures that up-to-date content is covered in courses offered in the program.”

New program graduate construction management courses will include advanced project management, construction economics, advanced productivity and lean construction, advanced construction systems, and a new graduate capstone offering.

Additionally, Lavy said, existing course content has been updated to incorporate the latest industry procedures for construction company operations, construction business development, construction contract and risk management, sustainable construction, advanced construction visualization and facility asset management.

Construction management program revisions have been in the works since 2010, when a committee, headed by Lavy, was formed to review graduate course curricula and make recommendations.

The committee incorporated input from industry professionals, former and current students, peer universities, faculty, and the American Council for Construction Education. They also reviewed an assortment of strategic plans including Texas A&M's [Vision 2020] ( and [Academic Master Plan] ( , and plans created by the College of Architecture and the [Department of Construction Science] ( .

“Our revised program responds to what we believe are the current needs in construction management graduate education and will enable us to focus our research efforts in these specific areas," said Horlen.

Texas A&M’s Master of Science in Construction Management program prepares students for careers in the management of commercial, industrial, institutional, civil and military construction projects as a contractor, developer, subcontractor, owner's representative or consultant.

The program challenges students to understand construction as a process and to develop management skills based on systematic, logical analysis of available resources and imposed constraints.

“We are excited to begin the fall semester with a revised curriculum" said Lavy, "and students are eager to take the new courses.”

posted June 3, 2013