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Teens blog about their home  county in ongoing TTC project

Teens blog about their home county in TTC initiative

posted March 25, 2016
Two teenage residents of Liberty County, Texas are posting ideas about improving their home county in a multimedia blog, one of a set of ongoing Texas Target Communities initiatives aimed at helping residents of the rural area northeast of Houston shape their futures.
Bryan charter school students  tour visualization department

Viz dept. hosts tour for students from Bryan charter school

posted March 11, 2016
Students attending a local charter school that incorporates technology in its curriculum got a full dose of tech during a field trip to Texas A&M’s Department of Visualization last fall.
Study abroad students record historic sites at CHC workshop

Students use digital gear in Italy in fall 2016 CHC workshop

posted February 18, 2016
Centuries-old churches and piazzas in Texas A&M’s study abroad venue in Italy were ideal subjects for design students learning to use sophisticated imaging equipment in a workshop directed by Robert Warden, director of the Center for Heritage Conservation.
Children create STEM-related projects in NSF-funded study

Children create STEM related items in NSF funded study

posted February 18, 2016
Plastic cup robots that walk on Popsicle sticks were among numerous innovative science projects demonstrated by third- fourth- and fifth-grade student-scientists at a Jan. 14, 2016 showcase orchestrated by Francis Quek, professor of visualization at Texas A&M.
Students to unveil designs for Kenyan health care centers

Students to unveil designs for Kenyan health care centers

posted February 16, 2016
Design concepts of next-generation, community health centers to serve people in Kenya, created by students in an interdisciplinary studio, were unveiled at Feb. 17, 2016 in the Langford Architecture Center.
Students visualize data to solve problems at Build Day contest

Students visualize data, win prizes at Build Day contest

posted February 2, 2016
Discussions of race, rights and inclusivity throughout the Brazos Valley abounded at the Feb. 5 – 6, 2016 Open Data Build Day competition in which citizen teams vied for prize money by mining and manipulating census data to create spatially illustrated solutions for diversity-related challenges.
Student-gathered data aiding coastal vulnerability research

Furr HS students gather data aiding vulnerability study

posted December 14, 2015
A group of students who attend Furr High School, which serves an east Houston industrial area prone to air pollution and flooding, are gathering local environmental data with help from Texas A&M urban planning faculty and graduate students.
CoSci upgrades its BIM CAVE in new Francis Hall headquarters

New BIM CAVE facilitates students' 3-D visualizations

posted December 14, 2015
Futuristic, immersive journeys through and around virtual 3-D buildings created by Texas A&M construction science students highlighted final reviews for a fall 2015 building information modeling class led by Julian Kang, associate professor of construction science.
CoSci professor to lead summer program for South Texas youth

CoSci prof to lead summer program for South Texas youth

posted December 14, 2015
Students from predominantly Hispanic South Texas high schools have an opportunity to learn about careers in construction management at a free U.S. Department of Education summer program designed and led by Co-Sci professor Edelmiro Escamilla.
 Play structures created by design students thrill toddlers at daycare

Student-designed playscapes thrill daycare children

posted December 8, 2015
When it’s playtime for children at the St. Thomas Aquinas Child Development Center, they’ll be able to frolic on four new play structures designed and built by students from the Texas A&M College of Architecture.
Competition yields designs for multifaceted community center

Design contest yields multipurpose center for historic city block

posted December 2, 2015
An almost empty lot near downtown Bryan, home to two of the city’s oldest buildings, is transformed into a new, versatile community center in several designs imagined this fall in a Texas A&M graduate architecture student design competition.
College students created health clinics from shipping containers

Students created health clinics from shipping containers

posted November 12, 2015
Volunteers for BUILD, a service organization led by Texas A&M construction science and environmental design students, transformed shipping containers into mobile medical clinics to serve people in need around the world, including Syrian refugees in Greece.
Public helps create topographic maps of emotions on GIS Day

Public helps create topographic maps of emotions

posted November 12, 2015
As part of GIS Day at Texas A&M, the public helped artists, geographers and urban planners map some of the less tangible features of the Bryan/College Station landscape as they work to create a geospatial record of the region’s emotional topography.
CoSci student-run golf tourney  earns thousands for nonprofits

CoSci student-run golf tourney earns funds for nonprofits

posted October 23, 2015
Three local nonprofit organizations received thousands of dollars raised by the Texas A&M student chapter of The Associated General Contractors of America, a leading industry group, at an April 2015 benefit golf tournament.
Students to unveil designs for next-generation grocery stores

Students to unveil designs for next- generation stores

posted October 15, 2015
Prototypes of a new generation of H-E-B grocery stores created by design students at Texas A&M will be unveiled at 6 p.m., Monday, Oct. 19 in the exhibit hall of Building B in the Langford Architecture Center.