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Aggie soldier/alum in Afghanistan comments on Bin Laden’s death

Aggie soldier/alum in Afghanistan remarks on Bin Laden’s death

posted May 13, 2011
Speaking to the Architectural Record shortly after the death of Osama bin Laden, Maj. Gregory Taylor ’90, a licensed architect and Texas A&M former student serving with the U.S. Army Reserve in Afghanistan, said his fellow soldiers were eager for details.
Jordanian scholar lectures on use of muqarnas in Islamic architecture

Scholar discusses Islamic architecture

posted April 29, 2011
Mohammad Yaghan, a visiting scholar from Jordan, lectured on muqarnas, a type of corbel that is one of the most distinctive elements of Islamic architecture, March 29 at the Langford Architecture Center as part of the Melbern G. Glasscock Center for the Humanities Notable Lecture Series.
Students engage in international social media design experiment

Design students join worldwide social media experiment

posted April 27, 2011
As part of an international design experiment in social media, students in a design studio joined architecture students from around the globe for a collaboration with top Italian designers that culminated in an April 15 exhibit at the renowned Milan Design Fair in Milan, Italy.
Students design multipurpose health facility for South Sudan

Students design Sudan health facility

posted April 26, 2011
Students in a Texas A&M architecture-for-health design studio collaborated with the university's Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture to develop design concepts for Rehab Nova, a new multipurpose health training and agriculture facility to be located in Africa's newest country, South Sudan.
Lang co-curates radical Italian designer exhibit in Sweden

Lang co-curates radical Italian designer exhibit

posted April 26, 2011
An exhibition in the Swedish Museum of Architecture co-curated by Peter Lang, associate professor of architecture at Texas A&M, looks back at a landmark 1972 exhibit of radical Italian design and architecture at New York's Museum of Modern Art.
Students’ Rhine riverfront redo designs wow Bonn mayor

Rhine riverfront redo wows Bonn mayor

posted April 25, 2011
Texas A&M students studying abroad in Bonn, Germany during the fall 2010 semester impressed the city’s mayor and staff with their presentations of a master plan for a 10-kilometer redevelopment along the Rhine River. A published portfolio of the students' work can be viewed online in PDF format.
Mulholland instructs Oregon lighting students as Baker Chair

Mulholland instructs Oregon light studio

posted April 21, 2011
Dining tables at an upcoming International Association of Lighting Designers fund-raising event will be adorned with innovative light centerpieces made by students at the University of Oregon under the direction of visiting Baker Chair Jill Mulholland, a lecturer at Texas A&M’s College of Architecture.
Students tackle myriad projects at unique S. African development

Students busy with projects in S. Africa

posted April 20, 2011
Students studying abroad in South Africa are designing a starter campus for the university and developing a business plan for a nonprofit utility company while working on a groundbreaking real estate development located on the coast of the the country’s Eastern Cape.
Outstanding International Alum lectures, leads design charrette

Outstanding alumnus lectures, leads design charrette during visit

posted April 15, 2011
Chris Mulder ’80 lectured about his firm’s newest trend-setting concept and led a design charrette while in College Station to receive an Outstanding International Alumnus Award from The Association of Former Students.
Hill designs ceremonial mace for Texas A&M University at Qatar

Hill crafts mace for Texas A&M-Qatar

posted April 13, 2011
Texas A&M University at Qatar’s new ceremonial mace, designed by Rodney Hill, professor of architecture, debuted at commencement in Qatar May 5, 2011. “As far as I can tell from the design research I did, this is the most elaborate university mace in the world,” said Hill, who also carved mace's wood.
College associate dean appears
 in Costa Rican research center video

Associate dean touts Costa Rican center

posted April 11, 2011
A video that played at the 2009 gala opening of Texas A&M’s Soltis Center for Research and Education in Costa Rica includes comments by an assistant dean at the College of Architecture, whose students’ design concepts significantly influenced the final appearance of the center’s buildings.
Aggie team reaches semifinals of social entrepreneur competition

Aggie team reaches semifinals of social entrepreneur contest

posted April 7, 2011
A team from Texas A&M reached the semifinal round of a worldwide competition seeking university students' ideas to solve social and environmental problems. Their idea involved kids trading points they’d earned playing video games for donations to charitable causes.
Fisk pens book intro heralding most outstanding ‘green’ design

Fisk pens intro for book on green design

posted April 7, 2011
“The Sourcebook of Contemporary Green Architecture,” a new book by Sergi Costa Duran featuring 100 of the world’s most outstanding examples of environmentally-friendly architecture, opens with an introduction from sustainability expert Pliny Fisk, a professor at Texas A&M’s College of Architecture.
Association of Former Students recognizes Varni's research

Alumni group lauds professor's research

posted April 4, 2011
For research that has helped improve the lives of children with chronic diseases throughout the world, James Varni, a professor in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning at Texas A&M, has earned The Association of Former Students’ 2011 Distinguished Achievement Award for Research.
Neuman pens and co-edits books about past, future urbanization

Neuman pens, edits new 
planning books

posted April 4, 2011
Texas A&M urban planning professor Michael Neuman has authored a new book examining the city of Madrid’s 20-year urban planning cycle and co-edited another that eyes the future of urbanization.